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Okay! So maybe I made this website months ago and then absolutely did not work on it! But that's fine! We're working on it now! I was kind of in a slump and then uni has been kicking my ass- and still is, but anyways.

I want to actually start.. blogging here. Do I know how? no. I don't think I've ever really blogged before. Actually I'm going to go google ' how to blog' and then come back.

... Okay well that sucked. If you just type in how to blog into a search enginge it comes up with a thousand articles about professional blogging and that ain't what this is!!

Adding personal blog to it did help though. Few keypoint is to try and blog every day or so- keep them relatively short and add some pictures and links! But also I can just probably do whatever I want.

Well, I wanted to make a blog to document my thoughts- and also I talk too much sometimes so it's someplace to Put That. Sometimes I find interesting stuff and maybe I want a place where I can find it again.

I'm not very confident in my ability to keep this up consistently. But I'll give it a shot. First blog post, day one, lets go!!!

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